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Using PowerShell to Query all Power Automate Workflow that uses SharePoint or Onedrive actions

Published in SharePoint
August 27, 2022
1 min read
Using PowerShell to Query all Power Automate Workflow that uses SharePoint or Onedrive actions

Ever wondered how to search for Power Automate workflow based on the action they use?

Here is a brief tutorial on how to create a script that will look for Power Automate Workflows that uses SharePoint or OneDrive Actions


Before you can run Script below you need the follower

- PowerShell
- "Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell" Module
- "Microsoft.PowerApps.PowerShell" Module
- "AzureAD" Module"

Installation of needed modules

To install all the Modules we will need, just run the following line

Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerApps.PowerShell -AllowClobber
Install-Module -Name AzureAD

Login in M365

To allow us to access our M365 Tenant we need to run the following command

Note: You need to login twice because youll be logging in to Power Automate Site and to Azure AD site.

Note #2: The reason why we need to login to Azure AD because we will use that to get the display name of our users latera


After getting Authenticated, kindly run the follow script to start getting all Power Automate workflow that uses SharePoint related Action(or could also be OneDrive related Actions)

$environments = Get-FlowEnvironment #This is to get all available Environment in our Power Automte Tenant
$csvVariable = @()
foreach($environ in $environments.EnvironmentName) #Cycle to all Environments
$flows = Get-AdminFlow –EnvironmentName $environ
foreach ($flow in $flows) #Loop to each PowerAutomate workflow Available
$WFDetails = $flow | Get-AdminFlow
#shared_sharepointonline is the reference for searchin any related SharePoint action. If you want to search for Onedrive actions, just change it to "shared_onedriveforbusiness"
if([bool]($WFDetails.Internal.properties.connectionReferences -match "shared_sharepointonline"))
$obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Environtment" -Value $flow.EnvironmentName
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FlowID" -Value $flow.FlowName
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FlowDisplayName" -Value $flow.DisplayName
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FlowAddress" -Value $flow.Internal.id
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Enabled" -Value $flow.Enabled
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FlowCreated" -Value $flow.CreatedTime
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "LastModified" -Value $flow.LastModifiedTime
#Get-AzureADUser helps us to get the Display Name of the Owner of the Workflow because PowerAutomate only holds ObjectID of the user unfortunately.
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Creator" -Value (Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId $flow.CreatedBy.objectId).DisplayName
$owner = Get-AdminFlowOwnerRole –EnvironmentName $environ -FlowName $flow.FlowName
$varOwner = @()
$varGroupOwner = @()
#Seperating Group Owner to User Owners|
foreach ($singleOwner in $owner)
switch ($singleOwner.PrincipalType)
User {
try {
$varOwner += (Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId $singleOwner.PrincipalObjectId)
catch [System.Net.WebException],[System.IO.IOException] {
#Note we are searching for Group because we can also assign a Group as an Owner of the Power Automate
try {
$varGroupOwner += (Get-AzureADGroup -ObjectId $singleOwner.PrincipalObjectId)
catch [System.Net.WebException],[System.IO.IOException] {
$tempArray = $varOwner | Foreach {"$($_.DisplayName)"}
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "OwnerUsers" -Value ($tempArray -join ',')
$tempArray = $varGroupOwner | Foreach {"$($_.DisplayName)"}
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "OwnerGroups" -Value ($tempArray -join ',')
$csvVariable += $obj;
#Create a CSV file out of our results
$csvVariable | Export-Csv '.\WorkflowResults.csv' -Force


O365M365SharePoint OnlinePower AutomatePowerShell


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